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The benefits of black seed

Most medicines work best when given a chance to run their full course, and this too, is the case with black seed. In cognizance of its substantial nutritional components, as well as its specific medicinal properties, the body’s ability to maintain health and promote healing of a lasting nature is best increased through regular use of blackseed. 


The rich nutritional value contained in blackseed as outlines by scientific analysis of black seed, also points to it as a great source of energy. Blackseed has the ability to maintain and restore body heat. Our Western diet, predominantly made up of cold foods- ice in our drinks, yoghurt, pizza, cheese – all deplete the innate heat our body requires in order to optimally function. A reduced metabolic rate (innate heat) is the cause of many illnesses. The body, in losing energy, also loses its ability to fight off toxins, resulting in a greater chance of contracting illness. 


It is not recommended that black seed be used exclusively in the treatment of serious medical problems which require immediate action. For example, conditions like bronchitis sometimes require conventional antibiotics to prevent the condition from becoming more severe. However, black seed can be used as a therapeutic aid alongside other forms of treatments and medication, to boost your chances of recovery; it can also be used to counteract the side effects of common medication. 

Black Seed Oil

​Black cumin oil contains 100 healing different healing components which work together. This means they complement each other in the process of aiding our body’s ability to look after itself. Research has found that there is not another herb known to work with such a wide range of healing capabilities. 



The worlds finest blackseed range

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Our Source – Egyptian Blackseed

Research has found Egyptian black seed oil to be highest in beneficial compounds when compared to oils from black seeds grown elsewhere. 

Nigella sativa or the black cumin seed is revered in many cultures for its supposed health benefits, the prophet Mohammed went as far as to say that it will “prevent all ailments, except for death”. The seeds are mentioned in the Old Testament, and were found in Tutankhamun’s tomb. They’ve been used in a wide variety of different cuisines for centuries. Unlike other black seed, our Egyptian black seeds are the finest in the world, and they are ethically grown to support local farmers. 

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Its use as a traditional home remedy 


Black Seed Oil has been traditionally used for a vast array of ailments. What gives black seed oil its apparent ability to have a cure for so many diseases, is its ability to support a weak immune system. That would be specifically for those of us who are always getting ill, feel run down and have little energy. It gives your defense system the ability to fight. At the same it rebalances a hyperactive immune system bringing relief for those who have respiratory problems such as asthma, hay fever and aiding many allergies. 


It is also having a cleansing and eliminatory effect on the digestive system (particularly the detoxification of the intestines). Regulation of the immune system and the detoxification of the intestines are foremost in good health since it is these that are the starting point for many health disorders. By maintaining the good order of these systems we can prevent the beginning of many illnesses. 
What is unique about its healing components is that it contains between 0.5 -1.5 % essential oils which make it strong enough to be an aromatherapy massage oil. While many traditional uses of the oil indicate applying it externally for skin care such as acne and psoriasis, the majority of treatments call for it to consumed. 

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Effectiveness when combined with other ingredients 

Most medicines work best when given a chance to run their full course, and this too, is the case with black seed. In cognizance of its substantial nutritional components, as well as its specific medicinal properties, the body’s ability to maintain health and promote healing of a lasting nature is best increased through regular use of blackseed. 

The rich nutritional value contained in blackseed as outlines by scientific analysis of black seed, also points to it as a great source of energy. Blackseed has the ability to maintain and restore body heat. Our Western diet, predominantly made up of cold foods- ice in our drinks, yoghurt, pizza, cheese – all deplete the innate heat our body requires in order to optimally function. A reduced metabolic rate (innate heat) is the cause of many illnesses. The body, in losing energy, also loses its ability to fight off toxins, resulting in a greater chance of contracting illness. 



It is not recommended that black seed be used exclusively in the treatment of serious medical problems which require immediate action. For example, conditions like bronchitis sometimes require conventional antibiotics to prevent the condition from becoming more severe. However, black seed can be used as a therapeutic aid alongside other forms of treatments and medication, to boost your chances of recovery; it can also be used to counteract the side effects of common medication. 

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